E.P. Wine Team Sponsorships

This spring and summer E.P. Wine has and will be sponsoring the E.P. Wine major baseball team and the Quabbin boys and girls varsity basketball teams. Our baseball team season has already begun and they are currently in second place! Like them on Facebook to follow...

Winter-Time Propane Safety Tips!

With the New England winter season quickly approaching we want to make sure our customers stay informed on how to safely keep their propane appliances operating at maximum efficiency. The tips located in the link below can help you SAVE a lot of time and money during...

Quabbin Basketball Girls Varsity Summer League

The E.P. Wine sponsored Quabbin Girls Basketball team is in the semi-finals tonight located at Auburn High School vs Grafton. The tip off starts tonight at 7:30 pm. Be there and help root on your local team!  E.P. Wine is always proud to sponsor the local Quabbin High...